@article{oai:repository.nii.ac.jp:00000384, author = {米田, 友洋 and Yoneda, Tomohiro and Myers, Chris}, journal = {NIIテクニカル・レポート, NII Technical Report}, month = {Feb}, note = {This work proposes an efficient methodology to synthesize timed circuits from high level specification languages. In particular, this paper presents a systematic procedure for translating channel-level models to time Petri net descriptions. Care is taken in this translation to guarantee that there are no state coding violations in the resulting nets greatly simplifying the synthesis process. This paper also presents a modular decomposition method to break up the circuit to be synthesized such that an efficient partial order based synthesis approach can be applied to rapidly produce a circuit implementation. This new synthesis technique is demonstrated by its application to the line fetch module from the TITAC2 instruction cache system.}, title = {NII Technical Report (NII-2003-003E):Synthesizing Timed Circuits from High Level Specification Languages}, year = {2003} }