@inproceedings{oai:repository.nii.ac.jp:02001304, author = {Tasuku Shin and Haruki Ishikawa and Yuki Gato and Eiji Kuramoto and Tomoyoshi Akiba}, month = {Dec}, note = {AKBL team participated in the Question Answering-2, Answer Ver- ification, Stance Classification-2, and Minutes-to-Budget Linking subtasks. For the Question Answering-2 subtask, Our system ex- tracts relevant transcripts from question metadata and summarizes them using a T5 model pre-trained in Japanese. For the Answer Verification subtask, our method first generates the pseudo-fake data automatically by round-trip translation, and then fine-tunes the pre-trained BERT with the training data and pseudo-fake data. For the Stance Classification-2 subtask, our best system is a binary classifier using RoBERTa. For the Minutes-to-Budget Linking sub- task, it was realized using a ranking method based on Okapi BM25.}, publisher = {NII Institutional Repository}, title = {AKBL at the NTCIR-17 QA Lab-PoliInfo-4 Task}, year = {2023} }