@article{oai:repository.nii.ac.jp:00001262, author = {Xu, Liang and 武田, 英明 and Takeda, Hideaki and 濱崎, 雅弘 and Hamasaki, Masahiro and Wu, Huayu}, journal = {NIIテクニカル・レポート, NII Technical Report}, month = {Jul}, note = {In this paper we present a low-cost method for typing Named Entities with Wikipedia. Di®erent from other text analysis-based ap- proaches, our approach relies only on the structural features of Wiki- pidia and the use of external linguistic resources is optional. We perform binary classi¯cation of an article by analyzing of the names of its categories as well as the structure. The evaluation shows our method can be successfully applied to the `software' category (F 80%).}, title = {NII Technical Report (NII-2010-002E):Typing Software Articles with Wikipedia Category Structure}, year = {2010} }