@article{oai:repository.nii.ac.jp:00001258, author = {野村, 浩康 and Nomura, Hiroyasu and 光田, 好孝 and Mitsuda, Yoshitaka and 前田, 正史 and Maeda, Masafumi and 前橋, 至 and Maebashi, Itaru and 根岸, 正光 and Negishi, Masamitsu and 柴山, 盛生 and Shibayama, Morio and 西澤, 正己 and Nishizawa, Masaki and 孫, 媛 and Sun, Yuan}, journal = {NIIテクニカル・レポート, NII Technical Report}, month = {Apr}, note = {The system of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan is one of the oldest ones, which is the funding system for researchers belonging to universities and institutes in Japan. The fund was allotted to each researcher by peer review under the application for their own research projects. This is the fifth and last report for 2007 fiscal year's version, on the encouragement fund for JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) fellows. The total number of adopted subjects corresponds to the number of young researcher candidates at each university and also to a degree of the role of each university educating young researchers. The total number of adoption subjects of research projects at 2007 has been summed up for each university and institute on individual research field and compared to those of 2006 which were reported previously.}, pages = {1--34}, title = {NIIテクニカル・レポート (NII-2009-012J):科学研究費補助金採択研究課題数による大学の研究活性度の調査研究 ー2007年度(平成19年度)版ー V.特別研究員奨励費編}, year = {2009} }